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Clipperton Island Facts and Tourism

A collection of facts, general information and travel resources for Clipperton Island visitors and residents.

NAME IN ENGLISH: Clipperton Island
NAME IN FRENCH: La Passion–Clipperton
NAME IN SPANISH: Isla de la Pasion / Isla de la Pasión
HAS ALSO BEEN KNOW AS: Clipperton's Rock (and) Clipperton's Atoll
DESCRIPTION: uninhabited coral atoll
STATUS: overseas state private (restricted access) property of France
LOCATION: Pacific Ocean southwest of Acapulco, Mexico

- ?
- wikitravel.org - clipperton island
- wikivoyage.org - clipperton island

- wikipedia.org - ? cuisine - category

qsl.net - clipperton 2000 expedition
- BBC Clipperton Island Country Profile
- World Fact Book Clipperton Island Profile
- wikipedia.org - clipperton island - main article
- wikipedia.org - clipperton island - category

Countries and Territories Closest to Clipperton Island
| Mexico | French Polynesia |

Bodies of Water Bordering Clipperton Island
- sputh Pacific Ocean

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