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Northern Mariana Islands Facts and Tourism

A collection of facts, general information and travel resources for Northern Mariana Islands visitors and residents.

NAME IN ENGLISH: Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
NAME IN CHAMORRO: Sankattan Siha Na Islas Mariånas;
NAME IN CAROLINIAN: Commonwealth Téél Falúw kka Efáng llól Marianas),
STATUS: unincorporated territory of the United States
OFFICIAL LANGUAGES: English, Chamorro and Carolinian
LOCATION: northern islands of the Mariana Archipelago, Micronesia, Oceania
GOVERNMENT WEB SITE: governor.gov.mp

- Do It In Oceania: Northern Mariana Islands Guide
- mymarianas.com
- visittheusa.com - state - northern mariana islands
- wikipedia.org - tourism in northern mariana islands - category
- wikitravel.org - northern mariana islands
- wikivoyage.org - northern mariana islands

- wikipedia.org - cuisine of the mariana islands - category

Marianas Trench Marine National Monument
- fws.gov - national monument - mariana trench marine> - fisheries.noaa.gov - pacific - mariana trench marine national monument
- wikipedia.org - marianas trench marine national monument - article

Marianas Trench National Wildlife Refuge
- fws.gov - refuge - mariana trench

- BBC Northern Mariana Islands Country Profile
- World Fact Book Northern Mariana Islands Profile
- wikipedia.org - northern mariana islands - main article
- wikipedia.org - northern mariana islands - more articles
- wikipedia.org - northern mariana islands - category
- wikipedia.org - northern mariana islands - lists
- wikipedia.org - northern mariana islands - outline

Countries Bordering Northern Mariana Islands:
| Guam | Philioppines | ? |

Bodies of Water Bordering Northern Mariana Islands:
- Pacific Ocean
- Philippine Sea

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