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Galapagos Islands Facts and Tourism

A collection of facts, general information and travel resources for Galapagos Islands visitors and residents.

NAME IN ENGLISH: Galapagos Islands
NAME IN SPANISH: Islas Galapagos / Islas Galápagos
DESCRIPTION: group of Equatorial islands off South America
STATUS: province of the Republic of Ecuador
LOCATION: Pacific Ocean, off of Ecuador, on the Equator
CAPITAL CITY: Puerto Baquerizo Moreno (San Cristobal Island)
GOVERNMENT WEB SITE: gobiernogalapagos.gob.ec
- Galapagos Islands world Heritage Site | unesco.org |
- Galapagos Marine Reserve | areasprotegidas.ambiente.gob.ec |
- Galapagos National Park | galapagos.org |
- Galapagos Biosphere Reserve

- Baltra Island
- Bartolome Island
- Darwin Island
- Espanola Island
- Fernandina Island
- Floreana Island
- Genovesa Island
- Isabela Island
- Marchena Island
- North Seymour Island
- Pinta Island
- Pinzón Island
- Plaza Islands
- Rabida Island
- San Cristobal Island
- Santa Cruz Island
- Sante Fe Island
- Santiago Island
- The Daphnes
- Wolf Island

- Do It In The Americas: Galapagos Islands Guide
- galapagos.org (galapagos conservancy)
- ecuador.travel - galapagos
- vivecuador.com - galapagos
- wikipedia.org - tourist attractions in galapagos islands - category
- wikitravel.org - galapagos islands
- wikivoyage.org - galapagos islands

- rainforestcruises.com - guides - food in galapagos
- wikipedia.org - ecuadorian cuisine - category

- BBC "Galapagos Islands: A Land Untouched" 2012 Article
- wikipedia.org - galapagos islands - main article
- wikipedia.org - galapagos islands - category
- wikipedia.org - islands of the galapagos islands - category

Countries Bordering Galapagos Islands:
| Ecuador | Colombia | Panama |

Bodies of Water Bordering Galapagos Islands:
- Pacific Ocean (on the Equator)

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