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State Desserts of U.S. State

Information about the official state desserts of U.S. States

Alabama | state dessert | Lane Cake (2016) | wikipedia |
Delaware State dessert | Peach Pie since 2009 |
Maine | State treat | whoopie pie (2011) | wikipedia |
Maryland | state dessert | Smith Island Cake (2008)| smithislandcake.com |
Massachusetts | state dessert | Boston Cream Pie (1996) | wikipedia |
Missouri | state dessert | Ice cream cone (2008) | wikipedia |
South Dakota | state dessert | kuchen (2000) | wikipedia |
Texas | state cobbler | peach cobbler (2013) |
Utah | a favorite snack food | Jell-O (2001) |
Wisconsin | state pastry | kringle (2013) |

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