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U.S. Recipe Sources by Region

A collection of U.S. recipe sources organized by United States region.

African American
- dmoz.org - world cuisines - north american - african american - 2017 archive

- wikipedia.org - american cuisine by state - category
- recipes.fandom.com - american cuisine - article

American Chinese:
- recipes.fandom.com - american chinese cuisine - article
- recipes.fandom.com - american chinese recipes - category

Amish Mennonite
- dmoz.org - world cuisines - north american - amish/mennonite - 2017 archive

- cs.cmu.edu - mjw - recipes - ethnic - cajun
- pastrywiz.com - archive - category - cajun
- recipes.fandom.com - cajun cuisine - article
- recipes.fandom.com - cajun recipes - category
- wikipedia.org - cajun cuisine - article
- dmoz.org - home - cooking - world cuisines - cajun - 2017 archive

- recipes.fandom.com - creole cuisine - article
- recipes.fandom.com - creole recipes - category
- dmoz.org - home - cooking - world cuisines - creole - 2017 archive

- recipes.fandom.com - floribbean cuisine - article

Great Lakes
- whatscookingamerica.net - category - regional foods - great lakes

Mid Atlantic
- whatscookingamerica.net - regional foods - mid atlantic
- wikipedia.org - mid atlantic american cuisine - article

- cookinginthemidwest.com
- midwestfoodieblog.com
- midwestliving.com - food - comfort - favorite midwest hometown recipes
- allrecipes.com - gallery - midwestern potluck recipes
- tasteofhome.com - collection - comfort food midwest recipes/
- recipes.fandom.com - midwestern cuisine - article
- recipes.fandom.com - midwestern recipes - category
- whatscookingamerica.net - category - regional foods - midwest plains
- wikipedia.org - midwestern american cuisine - article

Native American:
- allrecipes.com - article - native american recipes
- firstnations.org - knowledge center - recipes
- recipes.fandom.com - native american cuisine - article
- recipes.fandom.com - native american recipes - category
- whatscookingamerica.net - category - regional foods - native american
- dmoz.org - world cuisines - north american - native american - 2017 archive

New England:
- newengland.com - classic new england recipes
- newengland.com - recipes
- recipes.fandom.com - new england cuisine - article
- recipes.fandom.com - new england recipes - category
- tasteofhome.com - collection - new england recipes
- whatscookingamerica.net - category - regional foods - new england
- wikipedia.org - new england american cuisine - article

Pacific Northwest
- whatscookingamerica.net - category - regional foods - pacific northwest

Pennsylvania Dutch
- tasteofhome.com - collection - pennsylvania dutch inspired recipes
- teriskitchen.com - pennsylvania dutch recipes
- recipes.fandom.com - pennsylvania dutch cuisine - article
- recipes.fandom.com - pennsylvania dutch recipes - category
- wikipedia.org - pennsylvania dutch cuisine - article

Southern United States:
- southernliving.com - recipes
- southernliving.com - food - dish - most iconic southern recipes
- teriskitchen.com - southern recipes
- thespruceeats.com - southern food
- whatscookingamerica.net - category - regional foods - deep south
- whatscookingamerica.net - category - regional foods - south central
- whatscookingamerica.net - category - regional foods - southeast
- wikipedia.org - southern american cuisine - article
- southernfood.about.com (offline) | 2001 | 2011 | 2017 |
- dmoz.org - world cuisines - north american - southern - 2017 archive

- foodandwine.com - comfort food - southwestern and tex mex
- recipes.fandom.com - southwestern - article
- recipes.fandom.com - southwestern - recipes
- whatscookingamerica.net - category - regional foods - southwest
- wikipedia.org - southwestern american cuisine - article
- dmoz.org - world cuisines - north american - southwestern - 2017 archive

- foodandwine.com - comfort food - southwestern and tex mex
- tasteofhome.com - article - what is tex mex food?
- recipes.fandom.com - tex mex cuisine - article
- recipes.fandom.com - tex mex recipes - category

- wikipedia.org - tex mex american cuisine - article

Western United States:
- sunset.com - food wine - cookbook - western cooking recipes
- tasteofhome.com - collection - cowboy copycatrecipes
- wikipedia.org - western united states cuisine - article

worldfoodwine.com - food in-= usa
New England: | Connecticut | Maine | Massachusetts | New Hampshire | Rhode Island | Vermont |
Midwest: | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Michigan | Minnesota | Missouri | Nebraska | North Dakota | Ohio | South Dakota | Wisconsin |
South West: | Arizona | New Mexico | Oklahoma | Texas |
Pacific: | Alaska | California | Hawaii | Oregon | Washington State | Mid Atlantic: | Delaware | Maryland | New Jersey | New York | Pennsylvania |
South: | Alabama | Arkansas | Florida | Georgia | Kentucky | Louisiana | Mississippi | North Carolina | South Carolina | Tennessee | Virginia | West Virginia
Rocky Mountains: | Colorado | Idaho | Montana | Nevada | Utah | Wyoming |

- More United States Recipe Sources
- Regional Recipes of the United States
- Recipes A to Z
- Skate Dancer Recipe Collection