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Orange Mint Lemonade

An online recipe with instructions for making Orange Mint Lemonade


- 2 cups of sugar
- 2-1/2 cups of water
- 3 oranges
- 6 lemons
- 1/4 cup of lightly packed mint leaves
- Ice
- Water


Heat sugar and water together until the sugar dissolve. Keep heating and stirring until no sugar grains are visible. Cool the sugar-water syrup. Grate fine (shredding is not fine enough) 2 tablespoons of orange peel. Squeeze 1-1/2 cups of orange and 1-1/2 cups of lemon juice from the 3 oranges and 6 lemons. Mix the juices with the syrup and the grated orange peel. Pour the mixture over the mint leaves and steep for one hour. After steeping, pour the fruit syrup through a sieve to remove the pulp and mint leaves and to extract all the flavor. Fill glasses half with water and half with the juice and syrup mixture. Garnish each glass with mint leaves and slices of lemon and orange.

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