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Caramel Apples

An online recipe with instructions for making Caramel Apples.
three carmel apples, one dipped in crushed nuts


- 5 whole unpeeled apples, red or green (about 1-1/2 pounds)
- 1 package (14 ounces) of Kraft (or similar) carmels
- 2 tablespoons of water
- 5 candy apple sticks


Wash the apples and dry them throughly so the carmel coating will stick securely to the apples. Insert a wooden stick into the stem end of each apple.

Cover a large plate or baking sheet with butter-greased waxed paper.

Cook the carmels with the 2 tablespoons of water in a saucepan over medium-low heat until the carmels are completely melted (but no longer), stirring constantly.

Tip ach apple ito the carmel, spooning additional carmel over the apples if necessary to coat completely. Let the excess carmel drip off.

Place the carmel-dipped apples on the buttered waxed paper. Refrigerate for one hour. Remove from the refrigerator about 15 minutes before serving (let them stand at room temperature to soften slightly).

Decorations (Optional)

Roll the bottom of each freshly dipped apple in one of the following:
- Chopped nuts (peanuts, cashews, pecans, etc)
- Halloween: black, orange, and yellow candy sprinkles
- Halloween: Whole or chopped candy corn
- Chocolate, white chocolate, or peanut butter chips (tiny ones)
- Crushed candy bars (butterfingers or other crunchy bars)
- Crushed cookie crumbs (graham cracker or other)
- Crushed pretzels


About Carmel Apples:
wikipedia.org - caramel apple

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