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Bess Truman's Macaroni and Cheese

An online recipe with instructions for making Bess Truman's Macaroni and Cheese.

Traditional Recipe

- 8 ounces of dry macaroni
- 1/2 pound of grated cheddar cheese
- 2 cups of milk
- 1 egg
- 1/4 cup of oleo (margarine)

Cook the macaroni according to package instructions, then drain the water off and let it cool.
After the macaroni cools, layer it in a baking dish with the other ingredients like this: Spread half the macaroni in a baking dish. Top with a layer of cheese. Repeat those two layers with the remaining cooked macaroni and grated cheese.
In a separate bowl, beat the milk and eggs together. Pour them over the macaroni and cheese in the baking dish.
At this point the casserole can either be baked until it is hot and the egg mixture is set, or it can be chilled overnight and baked the next day (Bess Truman's recipe does not include time and temperature instructions for baking the casserole)

Modern Recipe

- 1/2 pound of macaroni noodles
- salt to taste
- 2 cups of grated sharp cheddar cheese
- 1 whole egg
- 2 cup of whole milk
- 1/2 stick salted butter, cut into pieced

Preheat oven to 350 and grease an 8 by 8 baking dish.
Cook 1/2 lb macaroni in lightly salted water.
Spoon half of the macaroni into the prepared baking dish, and sprinkle on a little salt. Sprinkle on half of the cheddar. Top with the rest of the noodles, a little more salt, and the rest of the cheese.
Beat the egg, then stir in the milk. Pour evenly over the macacarnoi and cheese.
Arrange pats of butter evenly on top.
Bake macaroni and cheese at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes, until golden and bubbly. You an cover the dish ater 15 or 20 minutes if you want the top to be less browned.


Harry s. Truman's Presidential Library

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