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Peach Recipes

A collection of peach recipes and peach recipe sources collected by the editors of the Skate Dancer Dot Com Web site.

The peach is the official state fruit of the U.S. states of Georgia and South Carolina and the official state tree fruit of Alabama. Peach cobbler is the official state cobbler of Texas and peach pie is the official state dessert of Delaware.

three whole rpeaches and one half peach


Peach Council Recipes:
- Georgia Peach Council Recipes
- New Jersey Peach Promotion Council Recipes

More Peach Recipe Collections:
- wikibooks.com - peach recipes - category
- bbc.co.uk - food - peach recipes
- allrecipes.com - fruits - peaches/
- eatingwell.com - three step peach recipes/
- pastrywiz.com - archive - category - peach

About Peaches:
- wikipedia.org - peach dishes - category
- wikipedia.org - peach drinks - category
- wikipedia.org - peach - article
- wikipedia.org - peaches - category

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