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About the Commonwealth of Nations

Information about the Commonwealth of Nations, a voluntary association of nations and territories connected through their use of the English language and culture. Most of the members of the Commonwealth of Nations are former members of the British Empire.

ENTITY: The Commonwealth of Nations
OFFICIAL WEB SITE: thecommonwealth.org
MEMBERS: thecommonwealth.org - member countries
DESCRIPTION: Voluntary, multi-nation association of independent nations formerly connected to the British Empire or currently connected to the United Kingdom through history, language and culture.

Current Member Nations:
| Antigua and Barbuda | Australia | Bahamas | Bangladesh | Barbados | Belize | Botswana | Brunei | Cameroon | Canada | Cyprus | Dominica | Eswatini | Fiji | Gambia | Ghana | Grenada | Guyana | India | Jamaica | Kenya | Kiribati | Lesotho | Malawi | Malaysia | Maldives | Malta | Mauritius | Mozambique | Namibia | Nauru | New Zealand | Nigeria | Pakistan | Papua New Guinea | Rwanda | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Saint Lucia | Saint Vincent and the Grenedines | Samoa | Seychelles | Sierra Leone | Singapore | Solomon Islands | South Africa | Sri Lanka | Tanzania | Togo | Tonga | Trinidad and Tobago | Tuvalu | Uganda | United Kingdom | Vanuatu | Zambia |

British Overseas Territories: | Anguilla | Bermuda | British Antarctic Territory | British Indian Ocean Territory | British Virgin Islands | Cayman Islands | Falkland Islands | Gibraltar | Montserrat | Pitcairn Islands | Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha | South Georgia and the Sandwich Islands | Turks and Caicos Islands

Crown Dependencies: | Bailiwick of Guernsey | Bailiwick of Jersey | Isle of Man

Former Member Nations:
- Gabonese Republic (Gabon) | suspended for 2 year in 2023 |
- Republic of Ireland
- Republic of Zimbabwe


- The Commonwealth (https://thecommonwealth.org)
- Commonwealth Chamber of Commerce (commonwealthchamber.com)
- Commonwealth Games Federation (commonwealthsport.com)
- Wikipedia "Commonwealth Organizations" List (wikipedia.org)

- wikipedia.or - commonwealth of nations - main article
- wikipedia.or - commonwealth of nations member states - article
- wikipedia.or - commonwealth of nations - category
- wikipedia.or - commonwealth of nations - lists
- wikipedia - commonwealth of nations by country - category
- wikipedia - british empire - category

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