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Tourism in Europe

A collection of online travel for European destinations and general information about tourism in Europe.

Official Tourism Web Sites of Europe

Online European Travel Guides

Do It In Europe
by the editors of the Skate Dancer Dot Com Web site.

Europe Travel Newsletter Dot Com - Archives
by the editors of the Skate Dancer Dot Com Web site.

Europe for Visitors
by Cheryl and Durant Imboden

Visit Europe Dot Com
by the European Travel Commission

Rick Steve's Europe
by travel writer Rick Steve.

WikiTravel Europe Guide

WikiVoyage Europe Guide

WikiVoyage European Quick Reference


- European Commission - single market economy - tourism
- single-market-economy.ec.europa.eu - sectors - tourism

- wikipedia.org - tourism in europe - category
- wikipedia.org - tourism in europe by country - category
- wikipedia.org - tourist attractions in europe - category

- More About the Continent of Europe
- Other Continents of the World
- Places in the World
- Skate Dancer Tourism Resources